Friday, April 11, 2008

Who said sleep?

Carly had a good sleep the other night, but I can't say the same for last night. She didn't go to bed until about 3am. She did, however, sleep a lot during the day today.

Carly loves to make faces, so I hope you enjoy this picture!

With the weather being 70 today daddy, mommy, and Carly all went for a walk around Nanna and Pop's place. Thank goodness for spring time... until tomorrow's 40's teperature :-(

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Last night Carly let mommy and daddy sleep a lot! Carly only woke up twice to eat, and one of those times mommy woke her up because it was 4 hours since her last feeding. We don't want to get too excited, but lets hope this is a taste of nights to come!

Monday, April 7, 2008

70 degrees!

We couldn't have asked for more beautiful weather today. Carly, Mommy, and Daddy all went for a walk after lunch. Carly got to use her jogging stroller today, but we didn't jog. Sorry... Carly's calling.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

5 Days Old

Today is Carly's 5 day old birthday. To celebrate, Granny and Poppy brought over a BIRTHday cake on Friday night. Christy, as I type, is feeding Carly (she wanted me to tell you all). Yesterday we took Carly on her first walk. We went to Auntie Kym's house so the two could meet. Auntie Kym loved Carly so much that Auntie Kym wanted to finish our walk (back to our house) with us.

Today we went for another walk, a much longer walk, to enjoy the best weekend of weather that Michigan has seen in a long time. Yesterday and today it has been 60 degrees! After our walk, Daddy and Carly took a long nap together on in the big chair. Well, Carly is done eating, so I have to go check for a dirty diaper. Later tonight, Unkie Joel is coming over with Auntie Kym so her can meet Carly and snuggle her!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Day 2...

Yes that's right! Day number two! Carly Jo Whitelaw was born yesterday at 8:40am weighing 8lb 7oz and measuring 22 inches long. Early this morning she was spitting up green stuff that took her to the NICU for the whole day. She is sleeping there over night and tomorrow we hope she can be discharged with Christy. After all of her testing today she was fine and the docs found nothing! So after keeping her under observations for the day they will let her go if nothing bad happens! So mom is sleeping as I type, thanks to free WiFi, and I'm about to get some rest. We all know as soon as Carly comes home that sleep will be vary rare!